SLIPPERY STUFF 8OZ GEL : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

Does the job effectively

If you’ve just had a baby and are trying to “reconnect” with your partner…then this is the stuff to use. I’m not saying that it removes all the discomfort, but it certainly made those first few times WAAAYYYY more tolerable. I tried a LOT of stuff (from KY to tingly/numbing stuff) and gave up on sex because of the discomfort from never being sufficiently lubricated. But, with this stuff, I was amazed at how effortless entry was. A little goes a long way, and I’ve only had to reapply once in a while. Lovemaking was certainly more enjoyable (like pre-baby sex! — ha ha). It’s not sticky or oily. It has no smell, and is the most natural-feeling stuff. In fact, I got rid of all my other lubricants, even the fun novelty ones! *** Oh, and a huge bonus: no irritation or yeast infections because there’s no sugar in it. And it wipes off so easily. Great, great stuff!!!

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