Sweet little toy
First, some stats left out of the product description. Dildo length (6″) and outer diameter (1.5″). Inner diameter is around 1″. Material is firm, neither rigid nor squishy and with no plastic solvent smell at all right out of the box (a very good thing in my opinion). The dildo is permanently mounted to the hip belt, so you can’t interchange the dildo, but it makes for a simple, foolproof, and comfortable mounting (pun intended).
The hip belt is well made, stretchable, and with the two adjustable leg straps, stays exactly where it’s supposed to be. My current waist size is 38 and it fits nicely at the hips, and feels like it would comfortably stretch to a 42″ waist. And, of course, it never gets soft.
I’m looking forward to trying some new positions with my spouse that have been challenging in the past, and will report the results.