The world famous Aneros the Male G-Spot Stimulator. True to its name, the Aneros Maximus is the largest prostate stimulator of Aneros Next Generation line. Similar in shape to the MGX and SGX, the Maximus is intended for those looking for a fuller experience. It provides greater pressure throughout the rectum and is a little more difficult to insert due to its size. Although it is difficult to say exactly which model is best for any given individual, recommended only for more experienced users who are seeking greater pressure. Specifications: 1 1/16 inches diameter at tip, circumference 3.34 inches 1 1/8 inches diameter at mid-ridge, circumference 3.53 inches 1 3/4 inches from main body to perineum pressure point Aneros Maximus Prostate Massager features: Extra girth provides more anal canal stimulation. Requires stronger PC sphincter muscles. Great for prostate health. The Aneros can also be used to great effect during traditional sexual encounters. During oral sex and traditional intercourse, when the man uses the Aneros he will be harder, last longer, have better control. His prostate will empty more fully during ejaculation, which means a more intense and satisfying orgasm. This increased sexual performance is a great secondary benefit for the partner as well. The Aneros is a great way to explore and expand your intimacy with your partner. ID Glide is a high quality, water-based lubricant great to use with your Aneros prostate massager. Always clean before and after use. Made in the USA from FDA approved materials.

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