Really Works!!!!!!!!!!! My Husband Loves Me to Use This
I never knew there was a product like this until I went to a party offering adult items. This product is great. This makes it so much easier. Wish I discovered this a long time ago. My husband is amazed at the improvement . He loves for me to use this. He doesn’t even know what I am using but he LOVES the improvements. It’s not a chore anymore & I can do it for a lot longer than before I bought Comfortably Numb. I don’t gag as much! Glad I didn’t read the negative reviews before I purchased it. I can feel my throat go slightly numb but not totally. That is why it is named “comfortably” numb. That’s perfect because I don’t think your mouth & throat are supposed to be too numb. It definitely helps keep your mouth from becoming dry. The flavor is similar to the cold medicine throat sprays. It is well worth trying for the price.