CODE RED POWER RINGNo need to call 911 Code Red Power Cock Ring is an adjustable lasso style erection enhancer. Stay hard, long and thicker longer. Quick release for explosive ejaculations. Navy cock ring helps to maintain a full, hard erection with this high tech cock ring. Slip this high quality cock ring on, tighten snugly and you will remain hard and thick throughout your sex play. At the moment of ejaculation release the center pull and you’ll pop like never before! Easily adjustable for all size of penis. Harmonized Tariff Schedule HTS Code 4016996000. Country of origin China. Package dimensions: Depth .50 inches, Width 4.75 inches, Height 7.00 inches. Packaged weight .25 ounces. Package type blister card. New images added February 26, 2013.

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