very realistic, just gotta get used to…

Just received this last night. Promptly warmed it up and gave it a spin with the wife. I’ll start by saying the heft of this is more than I thought it would be and that’s a good thing. So the positives besides the heft is the looks. Very realistic looking. Nice boobs (feel like implants). Nice area downstairs. We owned a flesh light and the feel of this blows it out of the water. I would suggest keeping corn starch on this. The feel is a lot more life like when you do. Here are the negatives I’ve seen so far. The very sides of the boobs where they meet the body you can feel the frame of this thing. I’m sure it had to be designed that way for support. Not a big deal. The paint on the nipples and (lips) looks like it might wear away after some use. I will update later as to how it holds up in general. So far it was a great buy when you compare what it costs for a flesh light.

VAC U LOCK CODE BLACK 6IN ULTRASKYN COCK : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

Pretty disappointed that the vac-u-lock base does not come with. Though it isn’t displayed as having a base, detailing that info in the product discription would clear up any confusion as some are displayed with, and some without.

On the flip side, mounting this dong to a diy @#$% stick handle (with a machined vac-u-lock 5/16 unc internal thread and matching wood lag hagner bolt sadly not sold on this site) has quickly made it my favorite addition to the tool chest in D/s relations.