girl on girl sex

Me and my girlfriend loooove this!!!! Truly the best ‘P’ spot orgasm I’ve ever had. My girlfriend and I thoroughly enjoy it together but the batteries lasted just shy of an hour. I’m sure it’s because we had it on the highest setting the time before. Other then the longevity of the batteries this unit is my choice for an evening for two!!

NIPPLE PLAY NIPPLE RING-SILVER : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys


If you want to look incredibly sexy in the bedroom, there are two ways to go: there’s lingerie and there’s bare skin and jewelry. When you go with the jewelry, put on your most exciting jewelry and knock him dead! A wildly exciting form of jewelry is the nipple ring, but if you are like me, you do NOT want get pierced in such a sensitive part of your anatomy. Well, these nipple rings are for you!

CLUB VIBE #2 (NET) : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys


Quite a surprise as far as valentine’s day gifts go, when my boyfriend handed me this new toy, I was excited but wary. I had the assumption it’d be too loud, and thus too noticeable for even the biggest exhibitionist, or not strong enough to really work well.

I was pleasantly surprised when we tried it out, as even in a car ride it proved almost completely silent on the highest setting! The results, thanks to the design of the product and how it fits snuggly in the panties it came with, were astounding.

Let’s just say, that was quite the fun night out, and no one at the party would have suspected why I was really smiling and dancing as much as I was!

The music mode, where it vibrates to the music tempo around you, seems to work very well. It’s a unique idea, and adds even more spice.

The range on the remote seems very good as well, as from anywhere in the house my boyfriend seemed to have no trouble getting the signal to the vibe.

It looks very nice as well, very sleek, sexy design. Really does make you think of an apple product!

BANDIT VIXSKIN VANILLA (NET) : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

real as it gets

I ordered the Bandit for my wife and upon it’s arrival she was almost freaked out by how real it felt. You can tell it has a stout inner silicone core with a plush pliable exterior. It’s bendable but stiff enough not to be considered floppy by any means. She prefers anatomically average sized toys and though this is a bit thicker than most of her toys she described it as “so real”, “filling but comfortable after initial insertion”, and “this is the best one I’ve ever had”. The Bandit is not over sized to the point of being scary like some dildos out there and should satisfy the vast majority of women. The only negative mark we’d give it is the scrotum is not on par with the craftsmanship of the dildo, but then again, it had nothing to do with the function of the toy and was only a cosmetic observation. 5 stars all the way. It’s worth the money for those of you, like me, who pondered shelling out almost a hundred bucks for a dildo.

SLIPPERY STUFF 8OZ GEL : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

Does the job effectively

If you’ve just had a baby and are trying to “reconnect” with your partner…then this is the stuff to use. I’m not saying that it removes all the discomfort, but it certainly made those first few times WAAAYYYY more tolerable. I tried a LOT of stuff (from KY to tingly/numbing stuff) and gave up on sex because of the discomfort from never being sufficiently lubricated. But, with this stuff, I was amazed at how effortless entry was. A little goes a long way, and I’ve only had to reapply once in a while. Lovemaking was certainly more enjoyable (like pre-baby sex! — ha ha). It’s not sticky or oily. It has no smell, and is the most natural-feeling stuff. In fact, I got rid of all my other lubricants, even the fun novelty ones! *** Oh, and a huge bonus: no irritation or yeast infections because there’s no sugar in it. And it wipes off so easily. Great, great stuff!!!

COLOSSUS VANILLA (NET) : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

What can we say? WOW!

My wife and I had a Mr-S-Leather Rough Rider 2″ Extender, which we enjoyed, but it was PVC, so it had an off-putting chemical smell, and was ultimately too hard and unyielding. Silicone is a much better material, more expensive but well worth it. It’s odorless, tasteless, neutral and non-reactive. You can sterilize silicone toys by boiling them, and with proper care they should last a lifetime. Colossus uses a particularly soft silicone, very squishy and flexible.


Huge bit of fun

Me and my man like using hollow strap-ons and after trying many types out this is the best we’ve had.

When I first saw it after delivery I was slightly surprised at the size, as it looked bit too big and maybe a bit wide.

After first slowly sitting on it (as I can then control the thrust), I was surprised at how comfortable and realistic it is.

It easily entered my pussy filling the width and length, making me more wetter for longer. The flesh material is best as it adapts to all shapes of entry!

PLEASURE SWING-CHEETAH : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys


My husband and I are both approaching those 50+ years of age. Although the desire hasn’t abated, the body isn’t always as willing, or flexible as it was in our 20’s.
Adjust-ability! Being able to adjust the different parts while in the swing makes sure you have the perfect angle/height. Getting the adjustments made is part of the fun…have made several unintentional, but pleasurable, discoveries.
Washable – for all those unavoidable spills
Just plain fun! What more can you say, use your imagination!



I saw Oprah’s show and ordered Aphrodite and Athena. I still haven’t received the Aphrodite yet, but Athena is my new best friend. I’ve been married 10 years and finally had an orgasm with this. I’m so happy that I’m not “broken” like I actually thought. This was so easy. It only took a minute for results. Ladies, please don’t go years without this like I did. I love that it is waterproof.

NAUGHTY BOY BLACK : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

Great prices!

I thought I made a mistake purchasing this after using it the first time. There’s definitely a learning curve and patience is required. Once you figure out how to tighten your muscles and keep yourself on the edge several times before allowing an Orgasm it’s very explosive and pleasurable. I usually keep it in for about an hour while teasing myself until I can’t wait any longer. You do need to purchase batteries from 3XToys and fortunately I did because I couldn’t find N size batteries anywhere locally.