ANEROS PROGASM BLACK ICE (NET) : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

total blockbuster

Don’t let the large size scare you. I have used the original aneros for several years for prostate health and found it slow to get pleasure. Just did not feel like reached all of the prostate. I’m a tall man (6’1″) so the longer length of the progasm helps it “hit my spot”. The wider head and device just feels better on the prostate, a more even massage. The progasm massages the prostate more easily and yes with more enjoyable sensation. Just be slow to insert and relax your lower back muscles. I have had low back surgeries and have tight muscles. Using the progasm has helped me learn to relax and control my low back muscles better. If you are interested in pleasure and prostate health, you may like this aneros better that the smaller ones.

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