FEMME INA 2 LIME GREEN (NET) : Best Sex Toys Reviews by 3xToys

Lelo does it again!

My first rabbit vibe and now I know what kind of vibe suits me best! If you like pleasure inside and outside at the same time, this will be right up your alley.
The good
Power Power POWER; Ina 2 is strong, very strong in both motors. even if low power does the trick for you, Ina 2 on its lowest setting gives off a nice rumble.
Flexibility; while the main shaft of Ina 2 is rigid, the little arm is flexible so you can place it where you’re most comfortable while using it.
Waterproof; I hadn’t taken a bath, like a proper, sit for hours bath in years, but Ina 2 has me breaking out the bubble bath.
Power; Because POWER!!

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